We are hiring!
Are you looking for a new opportunity? Due to our continued growth, we are looking to recruit a skilled, motivated and conscientious Fire Sprinkler Service Engineer to join our dynamic...
Are you looking for a new opportunity? Due to our continued growth, we are looking to recruit a skilled, motivated and conscientious Fire Sprinkler Service Engineer to join our dynamic...
Overview of BS 9991:2024 – Fire Safety in Residential Buildings and Summary of Updates BS 9991:2024, published in November 2024 is the UK’s primary fire safety standard for residential buildings....
Welcome to Our Team, Denis! After a very successful 2023 Dry Risers Direct are proud to be expanding our team. We’re delighted to introduce the latest member of our growing...
Dry Risers Direct Limited is thrilled to announce that our company has participated in Construction Week Birmingham 2023! This exciting event took place from October 3rd to October 5th, 2023,...
One of our team of service engineers was carrying out routine maintenance on dry risers and sprinklers in West London. While they were there, a fire broke out in the...
Some facts about fire sprinklers Here are some facts that we think anyone considering a fire sprinkler should consider: Since 1945 no one in the UK has ever died as...
What is the Cost of Servicing a Fire Sprinkler? What is involved in a Fire Sprinkler Service? The level and scope of maintenance in a fire sprinkler service varies depending...
Servicing of Fire Safety Equipment in a World with COVID 19 Servicing, maintenance and testing of fire safety equipment is an essential service and we are dedicated to continuing to...
What are the Requirements for Fire Sprinkler Testing? It is the responsibility of the property owner to get the fire sprinkler regularly serviced (usually annually) by a competent person and...
Units 2 & 3 Millbank House,
Riverside Business Park,
Phone: 0800 689 4034Email: enquiries@dryrisersdirect.co.uk
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